I'm totally excited about Perception, a new police procedural premiering on TNT tonight. Eric McCormack stars as a neuroscience professor with paranoid schizophrenia who helps the FBI solve their toughest cases. I got an advance preview copy, and I have to say it really knocked me out. Here's a sample of the witty banter between Dr. Daniel Pierce (McCormack) and one of his helpful hallucinations, Joan of Arc (Sarah Silverman).
DR. DANIEL PIERCE: Whew! Joan, I never could have solved that without you. How about you and I go out for a nice steak? JOAN OF ARC (shaking her head): Dude, do you have any idea at all idea how I died? DR. DANIEL PIERCE (thinks, then finally remembers): Oops. My bad. I just meant we ought celebrate. That was a tough one! My caseload's looking a lot lighter now. JOAN OF ARC: "Lighter"? C'mon, man -- what the hell is wrong with you? DR. DANIEL PIERCE: Sorry, sorry. It won't happen again. Let's toast: To the start of a beautiful friendship. A brilliant man, a beautiful girl. You and I, my dear, are the perfect match. JOAN OF ARC: Wah-wah.