This month Subway is proud to feature KA-POW! avocado sandwiches.
These green monsters come out of their corner swinging with creamy smoothness. Bite down -- if you dare! -- and feel the power that comes from 18% of your daily required Omega 3's. You'll be cowering in your corner after you're rabbit-punched with pleasant flavor. You'll know you aren't eating just any six-inch vegan sandwich when it wallops you with a haymaker of an eye-pleasing green hue and then lands a vicious uppercut of enjoyable butteriness.
Pound this bad boy to the canvas and experience the satisfaction that two unsaturated oils bring. If you'd like, go for the knockout with a small soda and bag of chips for just $5.99. But whatever you do, don't wait: this special ends July 31. And next month be sure to return for our FEEL THE DEVASTATING WRATH OF THE RUTABAGA! grilled flatbread. Subway rocks!