Naturally the business world is taking notice, so don't be surprised when the Food Network's blueprint shows up in real life.
- Whenever somebody throws a surprise party, they warn the recipient a month in advance.
- Hundreds of beauty pageants are held every year, yet you never see or hear from any of the winners again.
- While you're having sex, you hear a smug narrator detail the history of felching.
- As your doctor is examining you, he relates a story about how his Nana always used to have green stools.
- A traffic cop gives you a ticket for DFIATMPHZ.
- After eating her fried chicken and donuts for eighteen years, you discover your mom makes a commission off your Xenical.
- Instead of actually fucking you, hookers just tell you about the best blow job they ever gave.
- Everybody's resume starts with the line, "In 1993 Queen Elizabeth knighted me, and then I baked Lady Di's wedding cake."