Thank you, Allegedly Olivia Munn. Now I'm an underachiever when it comes to sexting too. Chick is actually getting photos developed, lining them up in some kind of sexy sequence, photographing them, then writing and typing on top of the whole thing in a sexy, lower-case pink font. Chick actually fires up Adobe Illustrator when she wants to send a dirty note. Me, I can't even be bothered to get an erection and photograph myself: I just Google for naked photos of Wilfrid Brimley and forward those with a line like, "Hey, wanna see this up close?"
Still, I can comfort myself with the thought that this JPG isn't real. I mean, if Olivia was really saving her ladybits "just for you" it wouldn't have better art direction than Every Day With Rachael Ray. Speaking personally, I'd rather fuck somebody who uses capital letters and 24-point Courier. And if I ever met somebody whose dick was "raw," we'd be playing the Camera Game.
He'd stand near the Grand Canyon, and I'd point and shoot.