Tuesday, 20 November 2012

New James Anthony Band CD: Live in the Barrel

The James Anthony Band has always had killer live performances.  Now thanks to their latest CD, Live in the Barrel, amazing highlights from those shows are now available.

James struts his stuff on some of his coolest songs such as Hound Dog Blues, Down With the Blues, Doin' Days and many others.The veteran guitarist and singer is in excellent form here.

The energy is also high when the band covers classics such as Born under a Bad Sign, Use Me, and Little Wing.

Throw in a couple of  wicked instrumental numbers and the CD becomes a wonderful showcase for what the band has to offer.

We're told there are a limited amount of copies so get yours soon at one of James' live shows.

Below is a video of one of the tracks from the CD.

Blast from the Past: Review of James' CD: On the Edge

Links: James Anthony, More James Anthony Stories


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