Tuesday, 6 November 2012

New Beard Album: Live at Baltimore House (Free Download)

Local blues duo, Beard, have unleashed an amazing new collection, Live at Baltimore House and it's available as a FREE DOWNLOAD.

You get 7 tracks of some of the rawest, roughest, gruffest blues rock around.  The group calls their music Dirty Sleazy Slide Blues Gumbo and that's an apt desciption.  Definitely not for the faint of heart.

This is hard drivin', heavy grooves that will have you bangin' yer head and shakin' yer butt.  The edgy vocals work well with the loud and proud guitar and drum work.  Sweet, soulful female backing vocals also add some wonderful depth to the proceedings, especially on Write Me a Few of Your Lines.

You can actually listen to (and download) the entire album below.

Link: Beard's Web Site


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