Tuesday, 26 March 2013

New Paul O'Toole CD: "mistakes included"

Late last year, local singer/songwriter Paul O'Toole released "mistakes included", an astounding sonic journey.

The majority of the album is filled with slow and mid-tempo songs that reveal his vocal power and incredible guitar stylings.  There's a lot of raw emotion to the performances, which are enhanced by Paul's exquisite songwriting.

"mistakes included" is also home to some higher octane numbers like Point of View and the wonderfully-titled Creepy Coated Love Song (great rockabilly tune!).

Paul pulls it all off  with a little help from Russ Wilson (Junkhouse), Guy Westbrook, and others.  The late-great Willie P. Bennett contributed some mandolin to one of the tracks as well.

If your tastes run more to the louder side of things, his rock band Francis recently released an EP entitled Junk.

Both discs are available at his live shows.

Below are a few live version of tracks from the album.

Click here for more videos from the show

Links: Paul O'Toole, More Paul O'Toole StoriesMore CD Releases

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