Monday, 25 June 2012

New Martha's Trouble Children's CD: A Little Heart Like You

If you're tired of the same old boring kid's lullaby CDs you may wanna check out, A Little Heart Like You, the latest CD from American duo Martha's Trouble (featuring former Ancaster resident Jen Slocumb)

Every song has an indie-folk vibe that sets it apart from all the other cookie cutter children's discs. Such kid's classics as You Are My Sunshine, Hush Little Baby, Jesus Loves Me and more are given an amazing unique twist. On top of that, Martha's Trouble include a few wonderful original tunes as well.

Grown ups will enjoy this also. While the music is simpler, the sonic craftsmanship is top notch and extremely enjoyable.

The CD is available at their live shows and through their bandcamp site (where it can also be purchased as a download). You can also download it on iTunes and eMusic,

Below is a live performance of one of the songs.

Martha's Trouble playing Goodnight, Sweet Child featuring our 6yr old on drums! from Martha's Trouble on Vimeo.

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