Wednesday, 13 June 2012

New Guitar Mikey and the Real Thing CD: Out of the Box

Hamilton's Guitar Mikey now lives near the legendary crossroads in Clarksdale, Mississippi but you can hear Mikey's Steeltown roots on his latest CD (with The Real Thing), Out of the Box (available through Chicago's Earwig Music)

In a nice touch, the CD is dedicated to the musician's former mentor, the legendary Hamiltonian King Biscuit Boy. Former KBB bassist Doug Carter co-wrote a few numbers on the disc as well.

Biscuit Boy would be proud of this disc, which is jam-packed with real, down home, straight ahead rockin' blues. This is wonderful working man's boogie.

He doesn't just stay with the 12-bar blues format though. As the album title suggests, the music (which Mikey describes as hybrid blues) pushes the envelope but still has that groovy, funky swagger.

As a special treat, former Muddy Waters guitarist Bob Margolin joins Mikey and his great band on The Bigger Fool.

The CD is available at his live shows and through his web-site. You can also pick them up at Dr. Disc.

Below is a recent live performance of a song from the CD. Click here for more footage of this show. Click here for more of Guitar Mikey's part of the show.

Links: Guitar Mikey, More Guitar Mikey Stories

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