In a nice touch, the CD is dedicated to the musician's former mentor, the legendary Hamiltonian King Biscuit Boy. Former KBB bassist Doug Carter co-wrote a few numbers on the disc as well.
Biscuit Boy would be proud of this disc, which is jam-packed with real, down home, straight ahead rockin' blues. This is wonderful working man's boogie.
He doesn't just stay with the 12-bar blues format though. As the album title suggests, the music (which Mikey describes as hybrid blues) pushes the envelope but still has that groovy, funky swagger.
As a special treat, former Muddy Waters guitarist Bob Margolin joins Mikey and his great band on The Bigger Fool.
The CD is available at his live shows and through his web-site. You can also pick them up at Dr. Disc.
Below is a recent live performance of a song from the CD. Click here for more footage of this show. Click here for more of Guitar Mikey's part of the show.
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