- Why would someone who worked at E! and had a degree in "American studies" think he should determine America's path?
- How could someone watch the Clarence Thomas hearings and suddenly decide "liberals" had a secret plan to rule the world?
- Where did he get such an overinflated sense of self?
- How could a rich white man be so convinced that poor people were stealing from him?
- Why was he, as Fox News says, so "disheveled, disorganized, always seemingly distracted"?
- Where did he get his boundless energy?
- With money, privilege, a wife and kids, why was he always so irritable and anxious? As Fox says, why did he "erupt" rather than chat?
On the day after Breitbart's death, Anthony Cumia, of the radio show "Opie and Anthony," hinted toward a possible cause to his listeners. “I went out drinking with him, and boy, can he party. He liked to stay awake, that’s all I’ll say."
Oh. Never mind.