Sunday, 25 August 2013

John McKinley Receives Mel Brown Award

Waterloo blues master John McKinley received the prestigious Mel Brown award at the 2013 Kitchener Blues Festival.

John is a veteran performer who has worked as a sought-after session player and an inspirational teacher.  He has encouraged countless young musicians in their artistry. His successful students include Matt Weidinger, Conor Gains, Alex Tintinelli, and many others.

The distinction is named after the late blues legend Mel Brown, who called Kitchener home. It's given to individuals who make significant contribution to the local blues scene.  John definitely sets a great example.

Previous winners include Jackie Washington, Steve Strongman, Cheryl Lescom, Shawn Kellerman, Jimmy Vaughan, Bobby "Blue" Bland and others.

Click here for the Kitchener record story.

The video below courtesy of Rebecca Rayless

The video below courtesy of John McKinley Band

Link: John McKinley

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