Tuesday, 9 July 2013

New CD from The Rugg: Under the Rug

If you really love long jams with tons of blues, funk and swing, Under the Rug, the new 2CD set from local jam band, The Rugg, is for you.

With the help of the singer's powerful, rough growl, the lucky listener's guided through a sonic barrage of bluesy, funky, jazzy and soulful rhythms.  From the softest ballad to the hardest boogie, you'll find a lot to appreciate here.

With most tracks clocking in over the eight minute mark, there's time to savour each quasi-mood-altering performance.  A whole whack of quality musical exploration awaits!

You can get this incredible collection by contacting the boys through their Facebook page.

Below is a song from the album.

Links: The Rugg, More CD Releases 

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