Wednesday, 12 June 2013

New Paul Langille CD: Pine and Locke

It's been a long while (over 10 years) since we've heard a new CD from  hometown boy Paul LangillePine and Locke breaks that silence with great style.

On this impressive release, Paul uses his trademark growl but also goes beyond . You can experience the singer's range in the emotion of songs like Broken and Just a Broken Soul.  Then there's the blues power of Kind of Girl, the country style of Honky Tonk, the ragtime sounds of Home Sweet Home and more.  He can do it all!

The CD's title isn't the only nod to the singer/songwriter's steeltown roots.  Michael J. Birthelmer produced the disc at his Hamilton studio.  A bevy of area talent was also brought in to support Paul.  Members of Trickbag (Les Smith, Mike Hickey, Paul & Donna Panchezak) , Lily Sazz (Groove Corporation), Ed Roth, Brian Griffith, Lisa Winn, Jude Johnson, and others make wonderful contributions.  Paul also covers Playing to Win, a song by local musician Wayne Krawchuk (Banned From Heaven)

The marvellous CD is available at his live shows and as a download on iTunes.

Below is a track from the disc.

Blast from the Past: Paul Langille@Brantford Station Gallery

Links: Paul Langille, More Paul Langille Stories, More CD Releases

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