Tuesday, 18 June 2013

New Melissa Bel CD: Don't Forget to Breathe

Burlington songstress Melissa Bel has really outdone herself with the latest album: Don't Forget to Breath. She's packed 7 songs with a ton of emotion, power, soul, and much, much more.

While each tune is unmistakeably done in Melissa's style, the lady's kicked things up a notch. The songs sound more soulful than ever, especially on All the Wrong Things and Close to Perfect.  Coffee on My Jeans is probably the most commanding track she's ever recorded.  The whole disc has amazing modern pop-like production.

This wonderful CD can be purchased at her live shows and at her website.  It can also be download through iTunes and eMusic.

Videos below courtesy of Melissa Bel

Blast from the Past: Melissa Bel EP -  Distance

Links: Melissa BelMore Melissa Bel Stories, More CD Releases

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