Monday, 8 April 2013

New Marie Avery EP: The Fire

The Fire, the latest EP from local singer/songwriter Marie Avery is ignited by the artist's striking voice. Her accomplished piano work also adds fuel to the flame.

Though this blazing EP has an indie-pop ambiance, Marie still grounds it with solid, poetic songwriting and classic structure.  You can also hear a lot of jazz and a bit of broadway in the mix  What comes through is a beautiful, honest recording full of surprises.

Backing her up is a great team of area musicians, including Bill Majoros (Foreign Films) and Carl Jennings (Freedom Train) - both of whom produced the EP.  Kori Pop, Amber Edgar and Loretta Hale  (Loretta Hale Big Band, J-Tones) join in as well.

This collection is available as a download on her Bandcamp page.

Below is video from the EP courtesy of Marie Avery

You can also stream the EP here

Links: Marie AveryMore Marie Avery Stories, More CD Releases 

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