Wednesday, 10 April 2013

New Acoustics CD: Erie Long

Talented local band the Acoustics have made a giant leap forward with Erie Long, their latest CD.  Known as a top-notch instrumental group with a world-music sound, they've challenged themselves to explore new territory.

By far, the biggest change has to be the addition of vocals on 8 of the 14 tracks.  Guitarist Enzo Spoto stepped up to the mic and proved he possesses an incredible voice and some major songwriting skills. There's also new elements of folk, rock, pop and more added to the proceedings.

Don't worry, the Mediterranean-style music you know and love is still here, especially on the instrumental tracks. The high-energy, danceable, party vibe still lingers too!

The CD can be purchased at their live shows and cdBaby, it can also be downloaded through cdBaby and iTunes.

Below is a video from the CD.

Blast from the Past: Acoustics@Artword Artbar

Links: AcousticsMore Acoustics Stories, More CD Releases

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