Tuesday, 12 February 2013

New Brant Parker Blues Band CD: River of Broken Dreams

River of Broken Dreams, the latest CD from St. Catherines's own Brant Parker Blues Band is an amazing example of straight ahead, old fashion boogie blues.

Brant's voice has character whether he's funking it up with songs like Designated Down Time or crooning with slow jams such as Same Old Blues. His talented band backs him up with gusto on all the numbers. 

The group's joined by a number of incredible guest stars, including Hamilton's Jack de Keyzer, who produces and adds his his amazing guitar work to three  songs. Al Duffy plays bass on two tracks as well.

This wonderful disc is available at the band's live shows and can be downloaded through their bandcamp site.

Below is a video from one of the songs from the CD, courtesy of BluesGuy1

You can also stream the album below

Links: Brant Parker Blues Band, More CD Releases


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