Monday, 12 July 2010

Performer of the Week: Dave Pomfret

Hamilton singer/songwriter Dave Pomfret has been performing some great music for years. In the mid-eighties he fronted the Munday Nuns with Mike Trebilcock (Killjoys). This incredible band won the Q107 Homegrown Contest in 1988.

A while back, Dave released his first solo CD, No Rush. He was joined by Trebilcock, Mary Simon, Aaron Goldstein and many others.

His personal music is an amalgam of folk, roots, rock and pop. Dave has a flair for catchy hooks and softer moments as well.

Currently, he runs a weekly Thursday night jam session at Rebel's Rock and plays in the area quite a bit. He's definitely worth checking out if you get a chance.

Links: Main Site - More Dave Pomfret Stories

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