Sunday, 8 September 2013

John Willett (Powerhouse, Brass Union) Passes

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of local musician, John Willett.  He passed way September 2, 2013 after a brave battle with cancer.

John played with Powerhouse, Brass Union, and other bands.  Our condolences to his family, friends and fans.

From the Powerhouse website:
"John was the driving force behind the formation of the band in the mid 80’s and was the only member to be with the band from the start to his last show earlier this year.  We will miss John’s larger-than-life stage presence and the energy he brought to the band from his great love of performing music."

From the Brass Union website:
"John is one of only a few band members to carry on with his music once the Brass Union ended.  John continued to do what he love best throughout his adult career and stayed performing regularly right up until a few months before his passing. John now joins fellow Brass Union members Dave Baylis, John Hannah, Peter Hume and Vuk Kovinich in the Brass Union alumni band up above.  He will be greatly missed by all of us."

Video below courtesy of Debi Ferguson

Blast from the Past: Phil Kott of Powerhouse passes

Links: Powerhouse, More Powerhouse Stories

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