Monday, 7 January 2013

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Magazines dying off? No way! Here at Magazine Metropolis we've got more exciting titles than ever. We offer an extensive selection to suit everyone, whether they're young or old, rich or poor.

For the man in search of intellectual stimulation, we have magazines about photography and architecture. Ladies, we can help you shop, shop, shop! Lucky shows you the latest fashions while W explains what's behind those trends.

We've got a slew of titles for the outdoorsman, whether he enjoys fishing, boating, or golf. While he's gone, his lady can give that tired old house a fresh look with Better Homes & Gardens or Taste of Home magazine.

The ambitious man will want to read about business trends in Entrepreneur, or stay ahead of the competition with Fast Company or Inc. Meanwhile, she can get that booty groovin' with Dance Spirit or Dance Teacher.

The inquisitive male can explore new horizons in the natural world with Popular Science, or new frontiers in electronics with Wired. Ladies will be too busy for a hobby after they check out Parents, Parenting, or Parenting School Years.

Of course, life isn't all about building brains. The man who wants to get mega-fit will want to subscribe to Muscle & Fitness, or Flex. His wife should probably put down that cookie and pick up Weight Watchers.

Naturally we've also got the kiddies covered. Your pink princess will flip over these titles:

  • American Girl
  • Hopscotch for Girls
  • Sparkle World
And for the tougher sort:
  • Boys Life
  • Boys Quest
  • Ranger Rick
What? Your kid is looking in the wrong column? Better check out this week's special on Psychology Today.

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