Monday, 21 June 2010

Performer of the Week: JP Riemens

Local singer/songwriter JP Riemens is currently on break from live performing right now because he's preparing to unleash another great CD to the public (working title is Dirty Sunsets). It should be another in a long line of amazing albums.

Currently, the talented musician has 7 discs on sale at his web site, including a recent re-release of Songs From Mom's Kitchen, which was previously only available as a cassette (this should tell you how long it's been since the original pressing).

The sound on these albums and at his live shows consist mainly of folk/roots country with a lot of catchy rock and roll rhythms as well (He calls it "Acid Country"). Whatever you name it, JP's music can be soulful, tender, rocking, and much more. JP is a wonderful lyricist and storyteller as well.

He used those skills to good use with Tobacco Troubador, a unique production that combines his live performance with a theatre show.

On top of everything else, he's also a highly sought after producer and owner of Grant Avenue Studio.

Links - Main Site - MySpace - Facebook - More JP Riemens Stories

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