From his obituary:
Suddenly on Saturday, April 14. 2009 in his 59th year. Best friend and husband to Janice (Donaven) Peerfor 29 years. Loved father of Laura (Mike) Littlewood, Charlotte, Jessica and McDuff ( the family dog ). Dear Grandpa of Zara and Keely. Predeceased by his parents Fred and Emma Peer. And loved by his brothers and sisters Jack ( Donna ) Peer, Anne ( Andrew ) Dicerni, Lois Lister and Jane Book. Loved by his mother-in-law Joyce "Roz" Donaven, His brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews.
Bill Had an immense love for hillbilly music and sprint car racing and will be missed by his many friends in both circles. The family Would like to thank all of his doctors and staff at St. Joseph's Dialysis unit. Cremation has taken place.
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